Катедра за математику и методику наставе математике

Шеф катедре
Уторак, 13-14 часова
Четвртак , 13-14 часова
Кабинет 43
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025-412-030 локал 170
Прoф. др Aлeксaндaр Пeтojeвић

Пошаљи мејл

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Mathematical Specialization

  • Integer sequences
  • Special functions in Number Theory

Selected Publications

  1. D. Djurčić, M. Žižović, A. Petojević, Note on selection principles of Kocinac, FILOMAT, 26:6 (2012), 1291-1295.
  2. A.Petojević and H.M.Srivastava, Computation of Euler's Type Sums of the Products of Bernoulli Numbers, Appl. Math. Lett., 22 (2009), 796-801.
  3. A.Petojević and H.M.Srivastava, Computation of the Mordell-Tornheim Zeta Values, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 136 (2008), 2719-2728.
  4. A.Petojević, New Sums of Products of Bernoulli numbers, Integral Transform. Spec. Funct., Vol. 19, No. 2, (2008), 105- 114.
  5. A.Petojević, The { Ki(z) }∞i=1 functions, Rocky Mountain J. Math. . Vol. 36, No.5, (2006), 1635-1650.
  6. A.Petojević, The function vMm(s;a,z) and some well-known sequences, Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 5, Article 02.1.7, (2002), 1-16.